
Recovery Efforts

Recovering a Wild Population
The mission of the Marmot Recovery Foundation is to recover the wild population of the Vancouver Island Marmot. Significant progress has been made, but much work remains before this species will be secure in the wild.

The mission of the Marmot Recovery Foundation is to recover the wild population of Vancouver Island Marmots. we are one among a number of partners and stakeholders participating in the marmot’s recovery. Other partners include the Province of B.C., landowners TimberWest, Island Timberlands, and Mount Washington Alpine Resort, and the Recovery Team.

Within this partnership, the Foundation supports the implementation of the recovery objectives as established by the Recovery Team and the Recovery Plan through the support of the field team, Mount Washington Tony Barrett Marmot Recovery Centre, research, public awareness, and fundraising programs. In effect, the Foundation delivers the on-the-ground work component as well as funding to support the marmot’s recovery.

Our Work

Release Marmots
Each year, the Foundation supports growing colonies by releasing marmots born at the Calgary Zoo, the Toronto Zoo, and at our Tony Barrett Mount Washington Recovery Centre to the wild. Captive breeding and release has been the cornerstone of recovery efforts for this species.
Rescue Marmots
When marmots get lost or are in danger, we rescue them. Later, these marmots are released to safer locations, where they can continue the work of recovering their species. With a population counted in the low hundreds, every marmot counts.
Monitor the Population
By monitoring the wild population, we can more effective when helping. Releasing the right marmot to the right spot at the right time can make all the difference.
It takes a lot of energy to raise a litter of active pups, then head straight to hibernation. We can help by providing high quality food. It helps mom be healthier - and have pups more often!
Habitat Restoration
While most Vancouver Island Marmot habitat is in good condition, climate change has impacted some colonies, particularly those at lower elevations. Active restoration efforts conserve the habitat features marmots need to thrive in the harsh sub-alpine environment.
Reporting on our work to our partners, donors, and other stakeholders is a core activity. Through reporting, we measure the impact of our work, create an ongoing record of the marmot population, inform our partners about our plans, and make recommendations for future work.