
Recovery Efforts

Recovering a Wild Population
The mission of the Marmot Recovery Foundation is to recover the wild population of the Vancouver Island Marmot. Significant progress has been made, but much work remains before this species will be secure in the wild.

As biologists, naturalists, and local communities realized the severe decline in the marmot population, the need for a rescue mission became apparent. As part that, the Marmot Recovery Foundation was founded in 1999 to lead on-the-ground work. Right from beginning, we recognized that we could not do this alone. We are just one among a number of partners and stakeholders participating in the marmot’s recovery. Other partners include the Province of B.C., landowner Mosaic Forest Management, Mount Washington Alpine Resort, and the Recovery Team. The Toronto Zoo and Calgary Zoo play critical roles, hosting the captive breeding program and providing expertise in caring for wildlife in captivity.

Within this partnership, the Foundation supports the implementation of the recovery objectives as established by the Recovery Team and the Recovery Plan through the support of the field team, Mount Washington Tony Barrett Marmot Recovery Centre, research, public awareness, and fundraising programs. In effect, the Foundation delivers the on-the-ground work component as well as funding to support the marmot’s recovery.


Executive Director
Adam Taylor
Adam joined the Marmot Recovery Foundation after years of leadership in British Columbia's land trust community. There, he had the opportunity to manage and participate in a range of species recovery programs, include work on endangered bats, snakes, slugs, and turtles. "The opportunity to work with a species that is so unique to our community, and so close to extinction, is special to me," says Taylor.
Office & Donor Coordinator
Kim Metz
Many of you have spoken or written with Kim over her more than 15 years with the Foundation! Her friendly voice has helped many people support the marmots, and connected them with a special marmot to adopt or share with a loved one.
Field Coordinator
Kevin Gourlay
After starting as a member of the Field Team, Kevin assumed the role of Field Coordinator in 2022. In addition to his work on the Field team, Kevin is currently working on a paper on the unique parasites of Vancouver Island Marmots, and has also run a successful farrier business, and coordinated remote camps in the Northwest Territories.
Dr. Malcolm McAdie, DVM, MSc.
Malcolm has worked with the Vancouver Island Marmots since recovery efforts began. He currently oversees all the Foundation's captive breeding and marmot care at the Tony Barrett Mount Washington Marmot Recovery Centre, and any handling of marmots that occurs in the wild, such as releases and rescues. In addition to his work on Vancouver Island Marmots, Malcolm works with other marmot species, fishers, ducks, and more.
Field Crew
2024 Field Team
Our Fall 2024 Field Team is Shayn McAskin, Geric Coutts, and Heather Heim.

Board of Directors

Chair & Recovery Team Chair
Sean Pendergast
Sean Pendergast is a Professional Biologist with the Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship. He is the Foundation Chair and the Chair of the Recovery Team. Sean has been working with the marmots beginning as Field Crew member in the early 2000s to the present day.
Secretary & Treasurer
Stuart Prescott
Stuart Prescott is an independent CPA and business owner.
Randal Lake
Randal Lake works with the Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment & Climate Change Canada.
Sharon Hadway
Sharon Hadway is the Regional Executive Director of West Coast Operations for the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations, and Rural Development.
Dean Prentice
Dean Prentice is the General Manager of Mount Washington Alpine Resort.
Matthew LeRoy
Matthew LeRoy is the Coast Area Executive Director, Land Use Planning and Cumulative Effects Division with the Ministry of Water, Land, and Resource Stewardship.
Jimmie Hodgson
Jimmie Hodgson is the Acting VP of Sustainability and Senor Forestry of Mosaic Forest Management.