About the Foundation
As biologists, naturalists, and local communities realized the severe decline in the marmot population, the need for a rescue mission became apparent. As part that, the Marmot Recovery Foundation was founded in 1999 to lead on-the-ground work. Right from beginning, we recognized that we could not do this alone. We are just one among a number of partners and stakeholders participating in the marmot’s recovery. Other partners include the Province of B.C., landowner Mosaic Forest Management, Mount Washington Alpine Resort, and the Recovery Team. The Toronto Zoo and Calgary Zoo play critical roles, hosting the captive breeding program and providing expertise in caring for wildlife in captivity.
Within this partnership, the Foundation supports the implementation of the recovery objectives as established by the Recovery Team and the Recovery Plan through the support of the field team, Mount Washington Tony Barrett Marmot Recovery Centre, research, public awareness, and fundraising programs. In effect, the Foundation delivers the on-the-ground work component as well as funding to support the marmot’s recovery.