Other Ways to Donate: Securities, Mail, and Phone
Thank you for supporting our work! Your gifts make our work to save the marmot possible.
Mail your Donation
Just print this form and mail it to the Marmot Recovery Foundation together with a cheque, money order or credit card information. Note: Please make cheques payable to the “Marmot Recovery Foundation”.
Donate by Phone
Call us at 1-877-4MARMOT (1-877-462-7668) or locally at 250-390-0006 with your credit card information to donate over the phone.
Donate Securities or Mutual Funds
A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably. Since capital gains taxes don’t apply, we receive the full fair market value when the security is sold, and you get a tax receipt which reflects your larger contribution. This allows you to give more and get more. Complete this form and bring it to your broker to donate.