Earlier this week, we released 15 marmots over 3 days to Mount Washington Alpine Resort. These marmots were born at the Tony Barrett Mount Washington Marmot Recovery Centre, the Toronto Zoo, and the Calgary Zoo/Wilder Institute as part of a conservation breeding program.
These marmots will continue the critically endangered Vancouver Island marmot’s recovery at Mount Washington and beyond. In the next month, we will release another 50 marmots to other wild colonies on the Island.
Since 2003, the Vancouver Island marmot population has recovered from fewer than 30 marmots to approximately 300 this spring. While much work remains to conserve this special animal, we are hopeful that it has a place in our mountains.
We cannot thank our partners and the people who donate to support our work enough for making it possible for us to save this species from extinction.
Our partners include Mount Washington Alpine Resort, the Toronto Zoo, the Calgary Zoo/Wilder Institute, Mosaic Forests, and the Province of BC. Funding has been provided by Environment and Climate Change Canada, the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation, the Forest Enhancement Society of BC, and the Fish & Wildlife Compensation Program. Over 75% of our funding comes from donors like you. Thank you.